John Belushi
John Belushi Limited Edition on Canvas
Aaron, Richard E.
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The final resting place of John Belushi has been in dispute almost from the moment his funeral ended.  Initially he was reported to have been buried near the front gate of the Abel Hill's Cemetery in Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts.  There are photos where his longtime friend, Dan Akroyd, is standing over an open gravesite in this location.  However, because of the great deal of publicity surrounding his death and Belushi's notoriety, the grave was the site for many rowdy fan pilgrimages which left the cemetery in disrepair.  Apparently Belushi's body was then relocated to the back portion of the cemetery in an unmarked grave and a "decoy" marker was placed in another location. 

The photos of the grave stone on this page are considered to be of John Belushi's cenotaph (a memorial marker commemorating the deceased, but that does not contain the actual remains.)  That being said, when we inquired at the office of the Elmwood Cemetery and Mausoleum where the cenotaph is located, the staff, one of which is a long time employee of the facility, stated that Belushi was indeed buried there at one time, but was no longer.  John's parents are now buried in Elmwood as this grave stone indicates. 

Perhaps Belushi's body was transferred to Chicago by his parents and later returned to Martha's Vineyard.  Who knows for sure.  Our guess is that he is probably at the back of Abel Hill Cemetery in Martha's Vineyard in an unmarked grave.  However, as one examines the damage done to this cenotaph from memento seekers, some still feel he not only was there once, but might still be right there in Chicago.






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 Animal House - Pledgemaster
Animal House - Pledgemaster T-Shirt
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