The two photos below are views
from atop The Empire State Building. The first is
a pre-9/11 shot and the second shows the skyline after
September 11th.
A church
directly to the east of ground zero in lower Manhattan
was encircled with mementoes left by visitors from
around the world. The make-shift memorial nearly
encompassed an entire city block. On The Death
2ur's 2002 visit we even found a banner from our home
state of Minnesota.
"The Sphere" is
a sculpture by German artist Fritz Koenig. It was
originally situated in Austin J. Tobin Plaza between the
twin towers of the World Trade Center. It somehow
survived the collapse of the buildings with, considering
the monumental force with which the towers fell,
relatively limited damage. The above photo is that
of the sphere before the attacks. The damaged
sphere (photo to the left), is now part of a memorial to
the victims in its new location in Battery Park.
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